Drug Use vs Drug War Cost Breakdown

Categorizations and Values for Drug Use Costs (2002 $billions)
Category 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Premature Death $28.961 $27.877 $28.034 $28.406 $23.745 $19.901 $19.323 $22.535 $23.045 $23.686 $24.646
Health Care Costs $13.659 $14.662 $14.673 $13.996 $13.158 $13.236 $13.756 $14.044 $14.128 $14.861 $15.845
Productivity Loss
of Victims of Crime
$2.640 $3.098 $3.100 $2.806 $2.674 $2.570 $2.279 $2.111 $1.930 $1.835 $1.800
$1.894 $1.870 $2.043 $2.210 $1.758 $1.863 $1.971 $1.873 $1.782 $1.870 $1.996
Social Welfare $0.337 $0.418 $0.432 $0.442 $0.446 $0.434 $0.417 $0.317 $0.275 $0.253 $0.235
Property Damage $0.247 $0.285 $0.280 $0.256 $0.245 $0.233 $0.205 $0.206 $0.206 $0.206 $0.206
Grand Totals $47.74 $48.21 $48.56 $48.12 $42.03 $38.24 $37.95 $41.09 $41.37 $42.71 $44.73

Source: The Economic Costs of Drug Abuse in the United States,
Office of National Drug Control Policy (Dec 2004)

Table Notes:

Health Care Costs are mostly from Community Based Specialty Treatment (approx 38% of total health care costs) and HIV/AIDS treatment (approx 24% of total health care costs) for a combined 62% of the total Health Care Costs.

Categorizations and Values for Drug War Costs (2002 $billions)
Category 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Lost Wages Due to Incarceration $22.961 $24.110 $25.607 $27.130 $28.473 $30.511 $33.257 $35.399 $36.244 $36.869 $39.095
Crime Careers $24.617 $24.595 $23.796 $23.812 $27.241 $29.824 $27.180 $26.952 $26.836 $26.957 $27.576
Drug Abuse Related Illness $18.214 $17.138 $19.234 $20.938 $23.241 $22.323 $25.542 $26.995 $28.654 $30.681 $33.452
Police/Prison $18.470 $18.857 $20.371 $22.508 $22.763 $23.590 $24.922 $26.146 $27.036 $28.067 $29.051
Federal Drug War Budget $11.90 $12.20 $12.20 $13.30 $13.40 $15.20 $15.80 $17.70 $18.50 $18.10 $18.80
Private Legal Defense $0.468 $0.483 $0.521 $0.528 $0.510 $0.585 $0.605 $0.555 $0.596 $0.643 $0.647
Grand Totals $96.63 $97.38 $101.73 $108.22 $115.63 $122.03 $127.31 $133.75 $137.87 $141.32 $148.62

Source: The Economic Costs of Drug Abuse in the United States,
Office of National Drug Control Policy (Dec 2004)

Notes: Police/Prison costs in the graph are the aggregated costs of Police Services, Legal System Costs, State & Federal Corrections, and Local Corrections. See the source document for a complete breakdown of those individual costs.

Federal drug budget figures are taken from the 2003 ONDCP National Drug Control Strategy -- before they started 're-calculating' the budget costs.

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