Inclusion Criteria For "Level 6" -
Drug Type: Clearly Illicit

Each of the ICD-10 codes included in the 2003 count of "drug-induced" mortality records was evaluated to help determine the presence of illicit intoxicating substances. If any specific mortality record contained one or more of the codes below, that death was classed as "Level 6" - Drug Type Clearly Illicit. For each code determined to involve an intoxicating substance that is clearly illicit, the ICD-10 code itself and its description is indicated below, along with a tally of the total number of drug-induced mortality records in which the code occurs. Details of which drug types are involved in specific cause of death categories can be explored from the drug induced death overview page.

ICD-10 Codes Classified as "Level 6" - Drug Type: Clearly Illicit
ICD-10 Code Description Tally
F12.xMental and Behavioral Disorders Due to Use of Cannabinoids18
F14.xMental and Behavioral Disorders Due to Use of Cocaine1,143
F16.xMental and Behavioral Disorders Due to Use of Hallucinogens11
F18.xMental and Behavioral Disorders Due to Use of Volatile Solvents2
T40.7Cannabis (derivatives)61
T40.8Lysergide [LSD]1
T40.9Other and Unspecified Psychodysleptics [Hallucinogens]8
X42 Narcotics and Psychodysleptics [Hallucinogens], not Elsewhere Classified9,474
X62 Narcotics and Psychodysleptics [Hallucinogens], not Elsewhere Classified550
Y12 Narcotics and Psychodysleptics [Hallucinogens], not Elsewhere Classified2,826

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