DAWN - Psychotherapeutic Agents

Source: Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2003 Update

DAWN Psychotherapeutic Agents - Number of Mentions
Year Anxio, Sed & Hyp Anti-depressants Anti-psychotics CNS Stimulants
1995 108,881 53,764 21,902 5,723
1996 112,847 55,886 18,947 5,539
1997 114,228 54,138 16,983 6,162
1998 118,352 54,382 16,270 4,091
1999 118,467 58,964 15,223 3,645
2000 120,519 60,576 20,097 3,336
2001 135,949 61,012 20,182 3,146
2002 137,350 62,635 20,221 3,275

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