DAWN ED Drug Episodes -- Drug Use Concomitance

Source: Drug Abuse Warning Network

DAWN Overall Drug Episodes & Drug Use Concomitance
Year Total ED Visits Total Drug Episodes Single Drug % of Total Episodes Multi-drug % of Total Episodes
1995 88,548,056 513,429 243,890 48 269,539 52
1996 91,189,270 513,841 241,681 47 272,160 53
1997 89,719,807 526,671 241,000 46 285,671 54
1998 89,682,719 542,250 239,704 44 302,546 56
1999 91,099,635 554,570 239,582 43 314,988 57
2000 96,163,379 601,392 263,377 44 338,015 56
2001 100,517,664 638,345 279,552 44 358,793 56
2002 102,809,601 670,307 305,075 46 365,232 54

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